Monday 29 December 2014


Hello! How is going your Christmas? In my Christmas Eve, I passed it with my family but especially with my cousin Yeray, he is 13 years old and I have a very good relationship with him. At 23rd December I slept in his house, and in Christmas Eve too. I had for Christmas presents the PS4 with 2 games of PS4 and the t-shirt of Barcelona football team. I am very happy to have this because I want it for this Christmas, I hope that you also enjoy your Christmas Eve!

Monday 24 November 2014


Hello! How are yoy? This is one of my first informal emails at school and with a good note, if I followed the instructions literally, I'll had a better note.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Tuesday 2 September 2014


This Summer I didn't go to many places, I was busy studying and having classes of swimming and kick-boxing in the month of july and only swimming the month of august but in Denia.

This year I went to Denia, to Javea and to Benidorm in the month of august that I was with my father all that month. When I went to Javea, I went with my father and a friend of my father in boat and we pass the morning at the boat. When I went to Benidorm, is because I went with my cousin to pass all the day in Aqualandia that I pass it very good. And in Denia only with my father.

This summer isn't the best of all but at least the worst no too, I pass it good but I had best summers. 
I let you photos in Benidorm and in Javea.


Some of us were nervous was our first plane trip with the school (and the first time for me on a plane) on our trip to Germany days before we went to that school.

During the flight he was as nervous about not knowing what is going to make the plane, like turbulence and so on. We arrived at the airport very entusiasmated Bremen for the German people and German school. My family was very good, and very supportive parents and the German guy.

In this exchange, we split into groups of 8 among all schools, I was in the second group with Hugo and Carlos A. and had a good go places.
The day we saw everything that was almost a night we did a discomobile. The day that we have to go I was a little sad to go to Spain, which was one of my best trips.

Wednesday 27 August 2014


If my house was burning, I will take the most things possible important for me, my phone charger, my headphones, my cat, my mobile phone and take my mom the fastest possible for being safe both of us.

Another thing I would do if my house was burning, I would call the firemen for trying to safe my house if its possible.

If I was very frightened, I would notice all my neighbours to get out of them houses more faster possible, and I will notice my neighbours because maybe if my house get burned, it would burn another houses and finally would burn all my flat.

Wednesday 16 July 2014


The book that I read this summer is ''The silver sword'' a really interesting book from Ian Serraillier, and is about a family called Backilis that they need to escape from Warsaw for being safed by the Nazis because they were Jews and the Nazis want to kill them.

One night, the Nazis catch the parents from Edek, Ruth and Bronia, and they were taken to Germany to a concentration camp. The children, when they were awake, they were thinking of where are their parents, and when they saw the Nazi sign, they knew that they were taken to Germany.

The Balickis children knew a boy called Jan, a ragged boy with a paperknife, that it was the silver sword and they recognize that it was from their lost father, so the children with Jan's help, they decided to go to Germany to find their parents. The journey from Poland to Germany was difficult, firstly by the Nazis, and secondly by the variable things that they could find in their travel, but the most difficult, was the River Danube, but Edek saw four canoes and they get into them for passing across the river.